My Sierra Woods contracts directly with registered professional foresters (RPFs) to provide technical assistance to nonindustrial private forest landowners engaged in our program. This page is designed to support our contracted foresters with the forms and resources necessary for success.
Not currently contracted with MSW, but interested? Connect with Taylor Tibbals ( to learn more about the opportunity. We are always looking to expand our forester capacity for working with private landowners.
Note: Click the icon below for a link to each form.
MSW Forester Training Manual
Self-guided orientation tool, designed to assist foresters contracted with My Sierra Woods (MSW) in building a clear understanding of our program, processes, and expectations.
Forester Information Form
One-time form to collect forester contact information.
Initial Site Visit Form
Filled out after each site visit to a landowner or group of interested landowners.
Landowner Data Agreement
Give a copy of this form to each landowner during the initial visit. The form should be submitted as an attachment to the Initial Site Visit form or via email to
Forester Invoice Form
Submit any time you have an invoice to be paid for time spent on technical assistance. Please see Forester Manual for more details on submitting invoices.
MSW Project Application
Once landowners are ready to commit to a treatment project, submit this form so the MSW team can determine financial assistance and work with you to identify an operator for the project.
Project Completion Certification
Submit once project has concluded, certifying that treatments meet specifications.
NOTE: Operators will contract directly with MSW on treatment projects, which means they will request payment through this MSW Payment Request form. Foresters will not need to fill out this form, but you may need to direct operators to the form if asked.
For forms that are password-protected, please contact for access.
Useful Resources
Permitting and Exemptions
Much of our work is completed with CAL FIRE Timber Harvesting Forms (1038 Exemptions, etc.).
For projects not utilizing CAL FIRE documents, we are working with the local Resource Conservation District as the lead agency on CEQA documentation.
Spatial Data Resources
Click here to download a blank shapefile if you’d like a template for creating project boundaries.
NRCS California Treatment Standards
Forest Stand Improvement (666)
Woody Residue Treatment (384)
Fuel Break (383)
Prescribed Burning (338)
Partner Resources
If your landowner is interested in burning options connect directly with the local Tuolumne and Calaveras County Prescribed Burning Association (PBA)
If your landowner’s property is located outside of the MSW footprint, we recommend connecting directly with the local RCD office to discuss eligibility for financial assistance through other local, state and federal programs like the CALFIRE California Forest Improvement Program (CFIP) and the NRCS Environmental Quality Incentive Program (EQIP).
Have A Question? Contact Us Today!